Selasa, 18 November 2008

History of Smart Card

The first maker of Smart Card technology was a Japanese named Kunitaka Arimura at 1970. HE patented his creation only for its usage only. And the making of it must with Arimura lincensing. At 1974-1976, Rolang Moreno at France made patent rights of several functional aspect of smart card and sold the licenseto a Bull company and the others. Then Bull developed microprocessor aspects in smart card and held technology license which connected to smart card microprosessor.

Smart Card Definition

Smart Card often called as chip card or integrated circuit card. Chip card definition itself is general category include smart card and memory card. Smart card is a plastic card that contain memory chip and mecroprocessor. This card can add, edit, and delete the information in it.

Type and Charateristic

Smar t card can categorized as :
- Function, is the main difference between memory card and microprocessor card
- Access mechanism, is contact and contactless card
- Physical characteristic, seen from it size and form

Many kind of Smart Card

- Memory Card
This card just contain memory circuit that can accessed from contact with synchronous protocol.
- Microprosessor Card
This smart card have a memory circuit and microprocessor in one chip. All access to card will thorugh microprocessor. The data only can be accessed if has passed security logic.
- Contact
This card is smart card have contact chip. This card must be entered to reader to do the transaction or give information from card to reader.
- Contactless card
This card is variete of smart card that use radio frequency to switch information. So this card do not needed pyisical contact to reader or terminal for exchange information.
- Hybrid Card
Smart card that use dual technology from contact and contactless card. So it has contact device and antenna in one card. The card has two type, there are using one microprocessor and two microprocessor.
- Subcriber Identity Module (SIM) Card
Small smart card can be programmed contain the subscriber identity key to cellular service. This key used for identity to digital mobile service and variance used service.
- Removeable User Identity Modul (R-UIM) Card
Smart Card that has same function with SIM card but for CDMA technology phone. This card is possible to communicate between to two network.
- Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM) Card
This card is development from 3G technology network. This card will be enter in 3G device and used for authentification network and the other function.

Smart Card Implementation

This Smart Card used at credit card, telephone card, ATM card, celluler SIM card, dan alternative payment device. This card can also be used as recognition tool, as example as autorization or enter key.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages :
This card contain data, so do not need online access to central database to get information. THIs kind of smart card have more memory than general ID card. THIs smart card have more than one function, as example telephone card and also a payment card
Disadvantages :
With the existence of quite sophisticated technology, also needed high cost to apply this application.